Lost Card 2 Lost Gate Card Thank you for completing Step 1 of 2. Step 2 of 2 is to complete this form which notifies our Membership Secretary to issue a new card.You can also use this form to update information the club might use to contact you or mail your card to a new address. Lost Card First Name * Last Name * Explination * - Choose One -I was a member a long time ago and need a new one.I recently lost my gate card.I never got one in the mail.My current card doesn't work anymore.I want a second one as a backup. Card Number/Membership ID (If you have it) Phone * Email * Mailing Address 1 * Mailing Address 2 State * AKALARAZCACOCTDCDEFLGAHIIAIDILINKSKYLAMAMDMEMIMNMOMSMTNCNDNENHNJNMNVNYOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVAVTWAWIWVWY ZIP * Comments/Notes Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.